Transportation – My Most Valuable Advice

Relation Between Transportation and Logistics Understanding logistics in a simpler manner is all about a process of transporting and handling materials and goods coming from a point of origin and ending at the point of the customer’s possession, which entails in between these points – the movement of the materials and goods from the suppliers, followed by the movement of the materials and goods from supplier to a company and from the company to the hands of the customers; but within these movements are other components that play a role in logistics. There are three important components of logistics that are interlinked with each other: logistics services, information systems and infrastructure. Logistics services refer to the movement of goods from the point of origin through production until the goods reach the customers and which covers storage, inventory control, transport, as well as the selection of contractors and freight negotiations. Information systems refer to the flow and processing of logistics information for decision making and management in order to furnish essential data for the logistics services to proceed and complete its main function and objective. Infrastructure covers human resources, financial resources, packaging materials, warehouses, transport and communication. For as long as the transportation system is well-planned, well-designed, and well-developed, without such, logistics cannot meet its full advantage, which is having an efficient transport and material handling of goods, attaining reduce operation cost and promote service quality. In order to succeed in its logistics operation, which in turn influences production and sale, two thirds of the logistics’ expenses are basically invested into transportation. The transportation cost takes up a minimal part in the sale’s cost for goods or products that are of small volume, low weight but of high value, while for heavy and low-valued goods or products, the transportation cost uses a great part of sales and affects profits. Due to the complex operation of transportation in logistics, if there is quality management, the transport system is, therefore, well-handled and this can result into goods being transported into the right place at the right time, which, in effect, brings out service quality and efficiency.
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Land logistics is an extension service delivery of good or products from air and maritime transports and uses road freight transport system, railway transport system, and pipeline system. The railway transport has the following advantages: great carrying capacity, low energy consumption, not affected by weather conditions, but has the advantages, such as high cost of facilities and maintenance, not flexible in terms of urgent schedules, and time consuming in arrangement of railway carriages; on the other hand, the road freight transport system has these advantages: cheaper investment, accessibility, mobility, and availability are high, but the disadvantages are low capacity for delivery, low safety of goods and slow speed. With respect to the pipeline system, the advantages are high capacity, not affected by weather conditions, cheap operational fee, and continuous transport, but its disadvantages are expensive infrastructure, hard to supervise, regular maintenance needs.What You Should Know About Services This Year